Horror movie vs horror book battle vol 1:The Exorcist

This is the new category featured in my zine, and it is in my opinion the interesting one. I always love to ask people from the horror scene, which is better, is it the movie or is it the book upon which the movie was based.


This first episode we will talk about The Exorcist. I believe that every self respecting horror fiend saw the William Friedkin classic movie at least once in their lifetime. There are two sequels and a prequel, also two seasons of the tv series but we will keep our minds on the first one. Many dubbed it the scariest horror movie of all times, which is in my opinion much overrated, because for me The Sentinel and for instance Omen or Burnt Offerings were a lot scarier than The Exorcist. The cast in the movie was awesome, especially young Linda Blair who became horror icon thanks to the role of possessed girl Regan and no matter where she starred afterwards she always remained equalized with this movie. The music and dark atmosphere of the movie were also awesome as was the great ending. So, that makes it one of the all time classics of the genre which will withstand every test of time.


Moving onto the novel. The late William Peter Blatty did not write and publish much in terms of quantity but this novel which I read last week was awesome and it managed to have the same dark and brooding atmosphere as the movie. The only thing that the book has and movie has not is wider scope of some characters who dont appear in the movie at all or are marginalized like Swiss housemaid and her husband, or detective Kinderman, who appears a lot in the novel. But it is normal that they cut that out in the movie to make it more fluent and interesting to the cinema goers focusing mainly on one storyline and avoiding the substorylines. The book has the same ending as the movie, so nothing changed like the movie makers sometimes do. Happily this one was not the case.

In the end, what can I say? The movie and the book are equally great and that just doesnt happen a lot, so after our first horror movie vs horror book we can say:

Horror movie 1:Horror book 1-the match was a draw!

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